Joy: We are not talking about the joy of this world produced by the human mind, jokes, drunkenness and the like. It last for a moment and when it passes it often leaves sadness and unbearable pain.
The joy of God is a permanent state of grace before the Lord and constant satisfaction from deep within our heart and last forever. No one can take it away from us-no pain or suffering.
I remember how I used to drink and go clubbing in other to have joy but when the party was over and I would put my head on the pillow, the sadness would fill my heart again and I would start crying.
Until the day I found the Holy Spirit and He brought true joy to my heart , in a way that I don't need a drink or a party to be happy but now I have constant joy in my heart, even when things goes wrong, we still keep going.
The Holy Spirit can give you the same joy, seek him wholeheartedly and he will come.
God Bless You
Pr Jonathan Pine