Universal Online Radio

Monday 21 July 2014

40 Thoughts — Conclusion

Renato Cardoso's Blog

Link to Renato Cardoso´s Blog

Posted: 20 Jul 2014 10:07 AM PDT

Part of the series “40 Thoughts of Jesus.” View all previous here, but first learn how the purpose works here.

King David said:

How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God! How great is the sum of them! If I should count them, they would be more in number than the sand. Psalm 139.17,18

This is exactly how I feel when I consider the Thoughts of Jesus. Like the finest gold, the most precious gem… they expand my mind, take me to places, make me like a giant; and when I think I only know some among the infinite amount of them, more numerous than the grains of sand…

Yes, you only knew 40 Thoughts of Jesus here. Imagine yourself scooping up a handful of sand, setting aside 40 grains and throwing away the rest. Imagine these 40 grains of sand in your hand. Now, imagine all the grains of sand in all the beaches of the planet. The Thoughts of Jesus exceed this number. The wisdom of God, His advice for our life, and His mysteries and revelations are countless; one of them alone is capable of changing your life. A divine inspiration, an idea, can bring you insurmountable riches and success. They are up for grabs, waiting to be discovered by anyone who would like to know them.

Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened. Matthew 7.7,8

Consider what you have learned during these 40 days just an appetizer, a small sample for you to taste. He has a whole banquet prepared for you.

When we started this challenge, I said you would find, “…secrets hidden between the lines of the Gospels. Pearls waiting to be discovered. New revelations from ancient scriptures that have long been memorized. It will be a revolutionary experience. But I must warn you: your mind will never be the same again!” I believe that the goal has been reached. Now, why stop here?

I suggest that from the conclusion of these 40 days, you should apply one or all of the following steps:

1.     Select two or three Thoughts that had a stronger impact on you. Read them every day and strive to apply them in your life until they become an integral part of you. Be persistent.

2.     Review the 40 Thoughts. If you could not properly digest what you read, go back to the beginning and read them all over again [find all of them here]. Your learning will be strengthened and better assimilated.

3.     Start to read the Gospels regularly. You may purchase a Bible with the Words of Jesus in red (see if you like either this or this one, for example). This way, it will be easier to know when Jesus is the One who is speaking. This is the kind of Bible I used during these 40 days to help me find the Thoughts.

4.     Evidently, continue visiting this blog. Whether you have been with us for a long time or just found out about this blog through this challenge, access it daily. Here, I am sharing with you over one thousand posts about faith, spiritual intelligence, relationship, men, parents and children, money, and other inspirations. Besides being free, you will become more attractive and appealing, your teeth will get whiter and people will like you more… like my mother, for example.

5.     Connect with us. Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, iTunes… everything here. Like it and follow it. Thank you.

I want to thank all who have followed this challenge faithfully. Keep sharing it with your friends. And if you remain a faithful reader of this blog, when the 40 Thoughts of Jesus become a book, you will be the first one to know.

May His Thoughts be with you, always!


Sunday 20 July 2014

Thought #40 — Shine!

Renato Cardoso's Blog

Link to Renato Cardoso´s Blog

Posted: 19 Jul 2014 08:06 AM PDT

Part of the series “40 Thoughts of Jesus.” View all previous here, but first learn how the purpose works here.


Go back home to your own people, and report to them how much the Lord has done for you and how He has had mercy on you. Mark 5.19

A man lived in torment for a long time, possessed by evil, which made him aggressive towards others and himself. He reached  the point of attempting harm against his own life and lived in the graveyard. Finally, Jesus set him free. Seeing that he was well, he insisted that Jesus would let him follow Him. The Lord replied with the words above.

Why is it that Jesus did not allow the man to follow Him?

Actually, He allowed him, but in a different way; every time that man told a friend what Jesus had done for him, he was following Jesus. Every person who knew about his past and saw him healed, would also know about the existence and power of Jesus. Following Jesus is not only about enjoying the good life He gave you.

The Lord had expressed the same Thought in other words when He said, “let your light shine before men, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven.” (Matthew 5.16)

A part of being a follower of Jesus, being a Christian, is to share the good that God has done to you. Whatever He gives you is not for you only; but it is to be shared, spread, and announced with the strength of the sunlight at noon; it is not supposed to be kept and enjoyed only in private. He wants to reach others, and he is in a hurry to do that. There is a lot of darkness in this world; there are many people suffering and dying for not knowing what you learned during these 40 days.

For this reason, if Jesus has done a great thing to you and you are very grateful to Him and happy about it, there is a way that He would like you to thank Him: spread this light in the good that you do and seek for an opportunity to tell everyone what He has done for you.

When you shine, He shines!

Application: Convince at least three people to start the 40 Thoughts of Jesus challenge. Tell them how it helped you and motivate them to participate. Spread the word. Tell others your experience. Start a chain of good!

Out of all the 40 Thoughts, which one helped , changed or moved you the most? What are you doing about it? What if someone whom you convince to do this challenge becomes a follower of Jesus within these 40 days? What if someone who is far from Him decides to get close? Imagine your joy in knowing that you were used to save that soul. Say what you have done or will do about it and leave your comment about the first question. 


IT IS NOT OVER YET: tomorrow the final post with the conclusion of the 40 Thoughts. Do not forget to read it. ​

Saturday 19 July 2014

Thought #39 — What is that up ahead?

Renato Cardoso's Blog

Link to Renato Cardoso´s Blog

Thought #39 — What is that up ahead?

Posted: 18 Jul 2014 11:38 AM PDT

Part of the series “40 Thoughts of Jesus.” View all previous here, but first learn how the purpose works here.


(Jesus turned to Peter and said:) Get out of my way, Satan! You are like a stone on My path to make Me stumble, for you are thinking like a human being and not like God. Matthew 16.23

Jesus used the expression “Get out of My way, Satan!” more than once. In the original text, the words He used were “Get behind Me, Satan!” —This is an important detail because it has to do with position. Satan positions himself ahead of us — neither beside nor behind, but ahead of us, like a stone in our way to make us stumble.

He wants to block our way, divert us from the path, stop us from advancing, and make us blind so we can’t see what is further ahead.

How many times have you felt that your way was blocked? How many times have you stumbled in your projects and plans? How many times have you given up trying and turned away from a path into a worse one?

How many times have you stopped in the way when you were so close to winning, but you could not see how close you were?

You did not see anyone with horns and a pitchfork in his hands, but you can rest assured that he was there. That is not fantasy or a figment of imagination. Jesus alerted us about the creature who is His nemesis. Therefore, if the devil does not exist, then Jesus was either crazy or a big liar. Ignoring the existence of the devil and his mission of blocking our way is to discredit everything else that Jesus said.

Now, see how Satan used Peter to try to make Jesus stumble: by making him think like a man and not like God; which means to say that one of the devil’s strategies is to make you think like a simple human being and not like God. Do you perceive now, even more so, the importance of absorbing the Thoughts of Jesus?

To think like a simple human being, no matter how intelligent you are, won’t take Satan out of your way; but when you start to think like God, Satan and all the obstacles will get behind you.

Application: Do not exaggerate the devil’s importance, but on the other hand, do not underestimate him. Be a friend of Jesus to overcome this enemy. All by yourself, as a mere human, you will not make it.

Has anyone ever made you feel ridiculous for believing in the existence of the devil? Have you been taught to ignore him, as if he did not exist? Have you ever felt a supernatural opposition on your path? Why do you believe that thinking like a human may be the devil’s best strategy? Think about it and leave your comment.

Thursday 17 July 2014

Thought #38 — Healthy body, healthy mind, lifeless life

Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. Matthew 4.4

Lose weight now! A diet to lose 3Kg in 5 days! A fast way to gain muscle mass! Coffee prevents cancer! Have the body of a model in three weeks! Anti-aging cream, you will look 10 years younger! The lemon diet – purify your body! Coffee causes cancer!
No, I am not making stuff up nor exaggerating. All these things have been, or still are, broadcast and advertised around us all the time. It sells, because people, in general, are extremely concerned about their body and appearance. It is not wrong to dress well, eat well and take good care of the health. The problem is that people overrate the body but forget that we’re a trinity: body, soul and spirit.
This Thought of Jesus teaches us that we do not live by food and drink alone. A person may have a perfectly healthy, ripped body, and still not have life. What gives you life is not food and physical exercise alone, but mainly the words that come from the mouth of God.
Take as an example the effect that these 40 days have had on you. If you have been following this challenge as suggested, and not only reading the Thoughts of Jesus in a rush, you have certainly received life, direction and energy. And, why have you been feeling like this? Why is it that many of those who have been absorbing these Thoughts will never be the same again? Because the Thoughts of Jesus are nothing but the Words of God; if you feed on them, you will have life.
You may also be very cultured, educated at the best universities, someone who loves to read, very talented, etc. — and still not have life. True life comes from the Words of God. Jesus said that in a different way, “The words that I have spoken to you are spirit and are life.” (John 6.63)
Be truly intelligent. Listen to what He says.
Application: Take good care of your body and invest in your education — but firstly, and above all else, seek to discover and follow what God says.
Among these three things: taking care of your appearance, acquiring information from various sources, and listening to the Word of God — which one have you been paying more attention to? Are you someone with a perfect health, extensive knowledge, but still unhappy? Why do you think that people are so eager for news and all kinds of information but so reluctant, careless and lazy to listen to the Word of God? What are the effects that these 40 days have had on you? Answer at least one question in your comment.

Wednesday 16 July 2014

Thought # 37 The greatest victory


Everything is possible to the one who believes. Mark 9.23

Perhaps this is the most unlimited, most inspiring and motivating Thought of Jesus. So much being said in so few words. It opens the doors to imagination. It invigorates the discouraged one and shows us that what we want depends on us alone and no one else.

Oftentimes, the mistake we make is to compare ourselves to other people. We think they are our competitors. We want to be better than, or at least as good as, they are. Then, we rate our performance according to theirs. We’re happy whenever we do better than they did, and we’re sad when we don’t. Our thinking is completely wrong, because our biggest competition is in fact, ourselves. We have to be the main focus of what we want to overcome.

How many are those who overcome super strong enemies, but succumb to their own selves? Mike Tyson, the famous American boxer, conquered every title that a boxer can have. He had an astounding career. He pulverized his opponents in the ring, one by one. At times, all it would take were a few seconds. He became a famous, millionaire sportsman. However, outside the ring, Tyson could not overcome himself: he was married and divorced three times, convicted of rape and sent to prison, assaulted people on the street, became an alcoholic and a drug addict; he eventually declared bankruptcy and recently confessed that he almost died because of his addictions. The score of his fight against himself is yet to be decided.

However, we are not better than he is. We all make the mistake of trying to succeed by overcoming the external enemies, but what we accomplish on the outside depends on what we have inside, our faith. What makes everything possible is what we believe, and belief is something that is within each individual. That is why the biggest victory is to overcome yourself.

Using this power, which is within you, everything will be possible for you.

Doubt sees the obstacles, whereas faith sees the path; doubt sees the darkness of the night, whereas faith sees the dawn of day; doubt hesitates in taking a step, faith soars in the heights; doubt asks, “who believes?” and faith replies, “I do.”

What about you, do you believe?

Application: There is faith in you, because it is a gift from God to everyone. Stimulate this faith, exercise it, and put it to work. Overcome yourself and all things will be possible for you.

What if you start to compete against yourself from now on? And, what if you determine to overcome yourself, by each day becoming a little better and greater than the day before? And what if you start to believe that, with God’s help, everything really is possible for you? What would you try to accomplish if you were sure that you would make it? Leave your comment.

Tuesday 15 July 2014

Thought #35 — Anticipating, defining, solving

Part of the series “40 Thoughts of Jesus.” View all previous here, but first learn how the purpose works here.

Where shall we buy bread, that these may eat? John 6.5

Jesus had gone up on a hill with His disciples. Before long, He looked up and saw in the distance a great multitude coming toward Him. Anticipating the problem, He asked Philip, one of the twelve disciples, ​​the above question. He already knew what He would do to solve the problem (He already had a solution), but He asked anyway to test that disciple.

What strikes me here is that Jesus was able to anticipate the problem just by looking at the crowd that was approaching. This is a rare skill. Thinking ahead and anticipating what will happen are of great value in all areas of life. If you think ahead and anticipate the problems that can happen, you will be ahead of most people. And so you can take preventative measures or prepare for the inevitable. You are the employee that every employer would pay double to have on their payroll.

Everyone has the ability to anticipate certain things by using logic, intelligence and imagination. Just put your mind to work.

Another important point is Jesus’ objectivity in defining the problem: “Where will we buy food for all these people to eat?” That is, He went straight to the point, quickly, clearly and bluntly. “These people will feel hungry” (problem). “Where will we buy food for them?” (searching for a solution). He wasted no time feeling sorry or blaming others.

One of my biggest frustrations is to work with people who (1) do not anticipate problems, (2) do not know how to define a problem objectively, and (3) have no solutions, only complaints.

To think like Jesus is to do the opposite.

Application: Practice anticipating what can go wrong or happen. From heavy traffic that can cause delays tomorrow morning to how you are going to support yourself when you are old. Prevent or prepare for difficulties. Be objective when you speak—don’t stall or beat about the bush. Focus on results. Define the problem correctly. And come up with solutions, not just complaints.

Can you remember any problem or situation that could have been avoided if only you had thought ahead? Do you have trouble being objective and straightforward? How can you practice objectivity? Are you the whiner who always points out problems but never comes up with a solution? Leave your comments.

Thought #36 — Self-righteousness syndrome

Renato Cardoso's Blog

Link to Renato Cardoso´s Blog

Posted: 14 Jul 2014 08:14 PM PDT

Part of the series “40 Thoughts of Jesus.” View all previous here, but first learn how the purpose works here.


The Pharisee stood and was praying this to himself: ‘God, I thank You that I am not like other people… Luke 18.11

Through the story above, Jesus expressed the following Thought, “If you walk around with an up-nosed attitude, you will end up on the ground; but if you humbly see who you really are, you will end up becoming a better person.” That is, he who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.

In this story, the Pharisee felt that he was a very good and righteous person, way above other people around him. Full of himself, he’d pray to himself. Notice this: to himself, not to God.

Obviously, God does not waste time with prayers from people like this. “For God is opposed to the proud, but gives grace to the humble.” (1 Peter 5.5)

Unfortunately, the people to whom this Thought is addressed hardly ever get the message. They will understand it, but will immediately think it’s applicable to other people, not to them. They think they are righteous. They are wise in their own eyes. They think that they hardly ever make a mistake, and when they do, it’s always with a good excuse.

Take a close look at yourself and see if you have the habit of bragging about your qualities;  pointing out other people’s mistakes,  and having a hard time seeing or recognizing your own; often saying, “I always…”, followed by some virtue of yours (or, “I never…”, followed by something negative). Do you constantly feel unappreciated because other people do not recognize what’s good about you? Is your pride hurt and your anger stirred when someone corrects you?

If you have the habit of doing some of these things, you probably suffer with self-righteous syndrome.

Get real; to be humble is to be true to yourself, because nobody is that great.

Application: Do your best to be the best and do everything with perfection —  but never expecting recognition from others, nor seeking your own glory. 

How do you deal with your feelings of being despised, rebuked or lack of appreciation? Do you have a hard time seeing your own mistakes? Is it easy for you to see other people’s mistakes? How can a person be sincerely humble? Leave your comment. ​

Monday 14 July 2014

Thought #34 — It will be required of you

Link to Renato Cardoso´s Blog

Thought #34 — It will be required of you

Posted: 13 Jul 2014 02:39 AM PDT

Part of the series “40 Thoughts of Jesus.” View all previous here, but first learn how the purpose works here.


For everyone to whom much is given, from him much will be required; and to whom much has been committed, of him they will ask the more. Luke 12.48

God will require of us results according to our capability. This is the essence of this Thought of Jesus.

Other scriptures confirm this. One of the main ones is the Parable of the Talents (Mathew 25.14-30). Contrary to what many think and teach, God will not cut anyone a break in regards to their responsibilities and capabilities. The idea that God will be forgiving, compassionate and merciful applies only to the sinner who is ignorant and repents; who have sinned for not knowing better. However, for the conscious sinner who decides to insist in the practice of what is wrong, or is lax with his responsibilities, there will be no forgiveness, no compassion nor mercy.

But there is more: Not even those who are totally ignorant are exempt. See what Jesus said before the “For” at the beginning of the Thought above, “But he who does not know what his master wants, and yet does something for which he deserves a whipping, shall be beaten with few.” (v. 47) Which means to say that even those who did what is wrong for being ignorant (not knowing the will of the Master), will be punished — though less than those who willfully did it.

Ignorance is not an excuse when knowledge is within your reach. The Bible says that humankind’s unbelief is inexcusable because nature itself announces the existence of God (Romans 1.20; Psalm 19.1-4). Only those who do not want to think or who prefer to ignore Him, do not believe.

God expects results from us. Results in regards to obedience, belief, being a good example, good fruits, growth, multiplication, development according to the capabilities and responsibilities He has entrusted in our hands. As a father who invests in the education of his child, a boss who gives training to his employees, a farmer who sows — God expects His return. He has invested in us, sowed His Thoughts in our hearts, and trained us for the battles of life. We have the capability and knowledge; and the more we receive, the more we have to produce.

Make no mistake: It shall be required of you.

Application: Require results from yourself, because you are able. Do not allow yourself to give excuses, because God will not accept them. — Even from those who are ignorant.

What are the results you have been producing according to your talents, knowledge and capabilities? Do you have the habit of using ignorance as an excuse (“I was not aware…”)? What do you think about people who do not produce results and are satisfied in being that way? Leave your comment.

Saturday 12 July 2014

Thought #33 Sissifying The Lord of Host

What you do, do quickly! John 13.27

Traditionally, religions always painted the image of Jesus as a meek, sweet, submissive and gentle character. A quick glance into the religious works of art will show you that: Jesus with an angelical face, manicured Jesus, Jesus with a flat ironed hairstyle,Flamboyant Jesus, Jesus with a little lamb on His shoulder… always a harmless figure; a sweetheart.

If the strategy was to turn His followers into that image, it worked. Notice the difference between the first followers of Jesus and today’s ones.

The first Christians saw Jesus in flesh and blood. The ones who did not see Jesus, knew Him through the apostles, who had actually been with Him. That is why they were fearless, committed, audacious… revolutionary men, who were not intimidated by the fierce persecutions. They were just like their Master. However, how were, and today still are, the Christians who were born after the Roman Church, which became a religious institution and turned faith into a tradition? Just like that sissified image of Jesus, created by the religious artists. “Those who make them are just like them, as are all who trust in them.” (Psalm 115.8)

Why this strategy? It’s very simple: passive people do not trouble anybody. The people who control the power are interested in this. It is much easier to control people who do not react to anything. Religion has always been an effective weapon in their hands.

Through the Thought above, we can see, like a ray of light through a crack in the ceiling, a little bit of Jesus’ impetuosity while speaking to Judas, the traitor, who was already possessed by Satan, “Bring it on! Let’s finish this quickly.” Previously, when He received a threat from king Herod, Jesus replied accordingly, “Go tell that fox that I am telling him this…” (Luke 13.32)

If you receive the Spirit of the real Jesus, you will also have the courage, the fearlessness and the audacity to confront every threat that comes your way. Yes, there is a time to be sweet and kind, but when your problems attack, it is not the time for that.

Application: Be impetuous and brave when the moment of the fight comes. Crying, being passive and feeling sorry for yourself, will not help at all.

Have you noticed the sissified ‘Jesuses’ around us? What about the wishy-washy Christians that are strong in knowledge but weak in faith? In what way would you have to adjust your image of Jesus so that it will influence your behavior? Leave your comment.

Friday 11 July 2014

Thought # 32 - Is it a ghost?

It is I. Don’t be afraid! John 6.20

The twelve disciples were crossing the Sea of Galilee on a boat, at night and without Jesus. The Master did not go with them, He went to the mountain, to pray. Suddenly, a strong wind started to blow and the waves began to rise. The disciples were about five or six kilometers away from the shore and they saw Jesus walking on the water and approaching the boat. They became very afraid and, since they were in the middle of a storm, during the night, they did not recognize Him. Now, as if the storm wasn’t enough, a ghost!
Jesus comforts them and says, “It is I. Don’t be afraid!” They received Him into the boat and “immediately the boat was at the land where they were going.” (v. 21)
Notice that the storm came suddenly. Up to that moment, the disciples’ crossing was going well with no major problems. They were not expecting that change of the weather. Then, they found themselves in the middle of a storm at the sea. Sometimes, we depart towards a conquest and in the middle of our journey, we encounter unexpected adversities: the marriage was doing well, then, all of a sudden, a crisis starts. Finances and business were in full swing, then, out of nowhere, a setback rocks your little boat. You find yourself in the dark. And, to make matters worse, the “ghosts” — problem after problem — start to appear.
The disciples should remember, and we as well, that Jesus was on the mountain praying for them. He intercedes for us before the Father. If you are in the eye of the storm right now, He is not only praying for you, but also moving closer to your little boat to help you. In the darkest hour of the night, the most tempestuous sea, and even when ghosts start to appear, He is saying to you, “It is I. Don’t be afraid!”
Receive Him into your boat and you will soon get to your destination, unharmed.
Application: Do not focus on what is happening now, but on what will happen. Do not fill your heart with fear, but with faith. He is in your boat.
Have you gone through (or are you going through) an unexpected storm? Has the weather gotten bad for you? In a scenario like this, how could you react accordingly to the lesson above? What if every time you looked at the problem, you’d repeat these words of Jesus to yourself, “It is I. Don’t be afraid!”? Leave your comment.
source: www.renatocardoso.com

The Pearl / A Pérola

Thursday 10 July 2014

Prayer at Bear Mount/NY - Assistants

Thought #31 — The cake box

Renato Cardoso's Blog

Link to Renato Cardoso´s Blog

Posted: 09 Jul 2014 09:24 PM PDT

Part of the series “40 Thoughts of Jesus.” View all previous here, but first learn how the purpose works here.


If anyone forces you to go one mile, go with him two. Matthew 5.41

The owner of a bakery was looking for a young fellow to work for him and help with the daily routine of his business. Three young men showed up for the test: Eddie, Maurice and John. The test was to deliver a custom-made cake in a pretty cake box to Ms. Mary Bridges at 789 Archers Road.

Eddie was the first one to go, but halfway through the destination he called the bakery to ask if the street number was 798 or 897. An hour later, he came back with the cake box saying that the number did not exist.

Maurice was next. He went out but quickly came back with the cake box. He stated that 789 Archers Roadwas in fact a church and that Ms. Bridges actually lived on 789B, but she had recently moved out.

Then, it was John’s turn. He left and took longer to return than the other two boys, but he came back without the cake box. John found out that Maurice was right, but he did not quit. He asked the neighbors, found out Ms.

Bridges’ new address and went there. Ms. Bridges told him (as you have probably figured out by now) that she had not ordered any cake. However, John opened the package, showed her the delicious cake inside and convinced her to pay for the order.

Which of the boys did the bakery owner hire?

“To go an extra mile” is one Jesus’ most popular Thoughts. Nonetheless, for being something hardly ever practiced, two thousand years later we’re still surprised when someone goes beyond our expectations. Most people are not willing to go even one mile, let alone two. Now, imagine the opportunities this thought will bring you should you decide to go an extra mile in everything you do?

Application: Promise less. Deliver more.

What if you became an “extra mile” husband, “extra mile” wife, “extra mile” son, “extra mile” employee, “extra mile” boss, “extra mile” Christian, etc.? How could you become an “extra mile” person now? Leave your comment.

Wednesday 9 July 2014

Thought #30 — He hates losing

Renato Cardoso's Blog

Link to Renato Cardoso´s Blog

Posted: 08 Jul 2014 07:56 PM PDT

Part of the series “40 Thoughts of Jesus.” View all previous here, but first learn how the purpose works here.


Gather up the fragments that remain, so that nothing is lost. John 6:12

Jesus had just multiplied five loaves and two fish to feed a crowd of over ten thousand people. When all were satisfied, what did He do? He ordered the fragments to be collected so nothing would be lost. He, who has the power to generate any amounts of supplies, whose barn is the infinity of heaven, was careful not to waste some leftovers.

Jesus does not want anything to be lost. He hates losing. He does not want to lose His elect (John 17.12). He does not accept to lose one sheep out of one hundred (Luke 15.4). He does not accept that a single strand of hair of our head be lost to those who hate and persecute us (Luke 21.18). He throws a party when someone who was lost is saved (Luke 15.32). He orders leftover bread and fish to be collected so that nothing is lost.

God hates losing. Those who are of God have the same character.

Unfortunately, losing has become a habit for many people. They accept defeat very easily. They justify their losses as if it were something normal. Most companies have budget allocations for losses. But if you absorb this Thought of Jesus, you will hate losses.

Wasting your time with nonsense.Wasting other people’s time by arriving late for your appointments. Wasting money on bad spending habits — whether it is leaving the lights on unnecessarily, buying something just because it’s on sale, spending money on what is not bread, etc.

The only loss that God advises us to suffer is what will bring us great gains, “Whoever loses his life for My sake will save it” (Luke 9:24).

Application: Hate losses and wastage. Train yourself to not accept defeat or misuse of your assets and resources — and to respect the assets and resources of others.

Losing or gaining is a habit. Which one do you have? (Not which one you want to have, but which one do you really practice?) Have you got used to justifying your losses and defeats? How economical and efficient are you with your resources and the resources of others? What is the difference between being thrifty and being a cheapskate? Leave your comment.

Tuesday 8 July 2014

Thought #29 – The poor Bill Gates

Renato Cardoso's Blog

Link to Renato Cardoso´s Blog

Posted: 07 Jul 2014 08:16 PM PDT

Part of the series “40 Thoughts of Jesus.” View all previous here, but first learn how the purpose works here.


For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul? Mark 8.36,37

Currently, the world’s wealthiest man is Bill Gates, with a fortune of $79 billion dollars. For you to have an idea of how much money that represents, if he spent $45 dollars every second, every day, 24 hours a day, he would need to live 55 more years to be able to spend all his fortune (and that if he doesn’t earn a penny more during this period).

Yet, Bill Gates is not the owner of the world. His fortune represents an infinitesimal fraction of our planet’s riches. Imagine that one day someone would be the owner of all the riches that exist, to the point of making Bill Gates look like a beggar. Jesus said that your soul is worth more than the fortune of that someone.

Are you able to perceive the value of your soul?

Unfortunately, most of us have no idea of our own value. For this reason, we value many people and things above ourselves.

When you absorb this Thought of Jesus, which is about the value of your soul, you will never look in the mirror the same way. You will never allow other people’s opinion make you feel less than. You will never give your soul in exchange for the “riches” of this world. You will never despise the One who valued you so much.

I have heard many people say that someone’s soul is priceless. The truth is that the price of my soul plus the ones of all those who believe in Him, costed the life of my Lord Jesus. Now imagine what He is worth.

Application: Value your soul and the One who valued it above all the riches of this world.

What do you think of the value that Jesus gave to your soul? Do you struggle with low self-esteem? Now that you know your worth, how will you look at yourself? And what to say about those who badmouth the offerings destined to the salvation of the souls? Leave your comment.


Monday 7 July 2014

Thought #28 — Only for those who want to be rich

Renato Cardoso's Blog

Link to Renato Cardoso´s Blog

Posted: 06 Jul 2014 08:41 PM PDT

Part of the series “40 Thoughts of Jesus.” View all previous here, but first learn how the purpose works here.


For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Luke 12.34

Since childhood, we learn to rely on people, knowledge and riches. At first, we are totally dependent on the first people we know: our parents and relatives. These, in turn, filled with the best intentions, teach us to study, to do well in school, to establish a stable future. And one of the first things we also learn in the course of our childhood into our youth is that money is a good thing and the more of it we have, the better.

The only problem is that all that can turn into a big trap for us.

  • If we get attached to the people we love, what will become of us if they let us down, leave us or die?
  • If we rely solely on the knowledge that studies and Science can offer, what are we supposed to do when its limits do not meet our needs? For instance, when a doctor tells us that our disease is incurable or when the best lawyer says that our case is lost?
  • And if we make money our security, what will we do if it runs out or is not enough to solve our problems?

That is why Jesus warned us, “Do not let anything earthly become your treasure. Because nothing on earth is secure, durable or infallible.” Our heart will always be attached to what we value the most. And if what we value is over or fails us, our life will go down with it. The solution? He gave us the hint: “Gather yourselves treasures in heaven, where the moth and rust cannot destroy it and the thieves cannot break in and steal it.”

Application: Love people, acquire knowledge, prosper as much as you possibly can— but never make it your treasure. When God becomes your riches, you will never be poor again.

Have you ever been deeply shaken by the loss of somebody or by bad feelings caused by people who are close to you? Have you ever tested the limits of Science and have been let down? Have you ever had a problem that money could not solve? Leave you comment.


Thought #27 — The secret to being honored in public

Renato Cardoso's Blog

Link to Renato Cardoso´s Blog

Posted: 06 Jul 2014 11:22 AM PDT

Part of the series “40 Thoughts of Jesus.” View all previous here, but first learn how the purpose works here.


But you, when you pray, go into your room, and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly. Matthew 6.6

Spirituality is not a show to be broadcast in search of applause. Evidently, in public meetings where the goal is prayer and devotion to God, our acts will inevitably be seen. That is not the issue. The issue is when our acts of faith become nothing but a theatrical performance to impress others.

God is not looking for actors.  He looks for sincere people.

Your bedroom is a place of incredible power. There, or in any other place away from the eyes of others, you can have a conversation with God; pour out your anxieties and fears upon Him; ask for guidance; cry; smile; present to Him your dreams and plans for the future; repent from your mistakes; seek strength to keep up the fight and overcome.

Unfortunately, not everyone uses this power. They think that God already knows what they need, that is why there’s no need for prayer. They say they do not have the time or do not feel like it. They do not know what they are missing.

An old Christian saying states that, “He who walks on his knees does not stumble.” According to this Thought of Jesus, besides not stumbling, he is openly rewarded.

Maybe your public shame is because of your pride of not bowing down and praying when you are alone.

Application: Experiment praying in secret every day.

If you do not have the habit of spending some time with God every day, what is stopping you? What are your excuses? Why do you think the prayer in secret is so valuable for both God and you? Leave your comment.

Saturday 5 July 2014

Thought #26 — Be suspicious of those who swear

Renato Cardoso's Blog

Link to Renato Cardoso´s Blog

Posted: 04 Jul 2014 08:04 PM PDT

Part of the series “40 Thoughts of Jesus.” View all previous here, but first learn how the purpose works here.


But let your word ‘yes’ be ‘yes,’ and your ‘no’ be ‘no.’ Anything more than this is from the evil one. Matthew 5.37

“As God is my witness…” “I swear on my mother’s grave…” “I swear to God…” Have you ever used these or other similar expressions to confirm you are telling the truth?

According to this Thought of Jesus, whoever is truthful does not need to swear by anything or anybody. A word is enough. His yes is yes. There is no doubt. There are no “buts”. The same applies to his no.

Once more, Jesus breaks the standards of character and conduct. The Jews used to swear by heaven, by Jerusalem, or by their own lives. However, the same way they’d swear based on the Law of Moses, they also broke their oaths whenever it was convenient to them, using another part of the Law. Their promises and oaths were worth nothing. What Jesus establishes here is that our reputation for telling the truth must be so impeccable, that no one will require of us an oath to confirm our words.

Adopting this standard requires of us a complete overhaul in our way of thinking and speaking. Concerning our way of thinking, we need to learn not to falter between yes and no. Being indecisive in our opinions. We must train ourselves to opt for either yes or no quickly and with conviction. After all, who is the one that is ahead, behind, beside, above, below and between yes and no? The devil and his suggestions. If we renovate our way of thinking and always chose either yes or no, in any situation, we will overcome our doubts and weaknesses.

Then, the other half: be truthful and consistent with your words. Have zeal for them. Keep your word. For that reason, do not rush into saying things. Do not embellish your speech as to impress someone. Do not promise more than what you can deliver. When you build up this reputation, your word will be worth more than gold, literally. And you won’t need to reinforce it with oaths.

Application: Train your mind to decide quickly and firmly between yes and no, always. And have zeal for your words so they are always true and kept.

Do you constantly change your mind? Do you have a hard time sticking to an opinion or a decision? What is the reputation of your words among those who know you? Is there someone who has stopped trusting what you say? Do you have the habit of using sentences like “I swear to God…” to confirm that you are telling the truth? What do you need to change to build an impeccable reputation of being truthful? Leave your comment.

Friday 4 July 2014

Thought #25 — The two legs

Renato Cardoso's Blog

Link to Renato Cardoso´s Blog

Posted: 03 Jul 2014 08:02 PM PDT

Part of the series “40 Thoughts of Jesus.” View all previous here, but first learn how the purpose works here.


Follow Me. John 1.43

It is hard to imagine how people would leave behind their houses, business, friends, family members, fears, doubts and personal goals at the sound of two simple words from the mouth of Jesus: “Follow Me”.

What did He have that, just by listening to these words and looking at Him, people would see something much greater, more important and more valuable than whatever they knew and owned up to that time? How could they, so suddenly, without giving it much thought, leave everything behind and follow Him, without further information?

It is quite true that not everyoneaccepted the invitation. Some trusted more in what they already had and knew. They doubted His words. Their unbelief was bigger than their faith.

What they did not understand is that if Jesus were to give further explanation and riches of details about what would happen to them if they left everything to follow Him, these people would not need faith. If He had explained and told them, “Follow Me because then you will have guidance for your life. Together with Me, you will always be safe because I am the Son of God. I will never leave you in need of anything; you will be infinitely happier and better than you are today…” — in this case, the appeal starts to look like a good deal. No need for faith, just intelligence.

Intelligence is essential, but it is not everything. Faith transcends intelligence. That is why these two things, when combined, turn us into invincible people. Never despise one to use only the other. Use them both equally.

He who has intelligence and faith does not hesitate in following Jesus. In Him, we find the guidance for life and safety for tomorrow. He who follows Him, won’t be mistaken.

Application: Use your faith coupled with your intelligence, always. Just like your two legs, take a step with one, then another with the other. Don’t be hopping around like you’re playing Hopscotch.

Have you been following Jesus? Close or from afar? Actually or just mentally? Have you been able to balance well the use of faith and intelligence or do you tend to use one more than the other? Why do you think some people do not respond to ” Follow Me”? Leave your comment.