Universal Online Radio

Monday 14 July 2014

Thought #34 — It will be required of you

Link to Renato Cardoso´s Blog

Thought #34 — It will be required of you

Posted: 13 Jul 2014 02:39 AM PDT

Part of the series “40 Thoughts of Jesus.” View all previous here, but first learn how the purpose works here.


For everyone to whom much is given, from him much will be required; and to whom much has been committed, of him they will ask the more. Luke 12.48

God will require of us results according to our capability. This is the essence of this Thought of Jesus.

Other scriptures confirm this. One of the main ones is the Parable of the Talents (Mathew 25.14-30). Contrary to what many think and teach, God will not cut anyone a break in regards to their responsibilities and capabilities. The idea that God will be forgiving, compassionate and merciful applies only to the sinner who is ignorant and repents; who have sinned for not knowing better. However, for the conscious sinner who decides to insist in the practice of what is wrong, or is lax with his responsibilities, there will be no forgiveness, no compassion nor mercy.

But there is more: Not even those who are totally ignorant are exempt. See what Jesus said before the “For” at the beginning of the Thought above, “But he who does not know what his master wants, and yet does something for which he deserves a whipping, shall be beaten with few.” (v. 47) Which means to say that even those who did what is wrong for being ignorant (not knowing the will of the Master), will be punished — though less than those who willfully did it.

Ignorance is not an excuse when knowledge is within your reach. The Bible says that humankind’s unbelief is inexcusable because nature itself announces the existence of God (Romans 1.20; Psalm 19.1-4). Only those who do not want to think or who prefer to ignore Him, do not believe.

God expects results from us. Results in regards to obedience, belief, being a good example, good fruits, growth, multiplication, development according to the capabilities and responsibilities He has entrusted in our hands. As a father who invests in the education of his child, a boss who gives training to his employees, a farmer who sows — God expects His return. He has invested in us, sowed His Thoughts in our hearts, and trained us for the battles of life. We have the capability and knowledge; and the more we receive, the more we have to produce.

Make no mistake: It shall be required of you.

Application: Require results from yourself, because you are able. Do not allow yourself to give excuses, because God will not accept them. — Even from those who are ignorant.

What are the results you have been producing according to your talents, knowledge and capabilities? Do you have the habit of using ignorance as an excuse (“I was not aware…”)? What do you think about people who do not produce results and are satisfied in being that way? Leave your comment.

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