Universal Online Radio

Tuesday 30 December 2014

Be blind

How many times in life, we could have done a lot better spiritually and in terms of your faith, if we were not lead by what we see.

Sometimes we make wrong choices, judge people by their appearance, don't move forward or even commit sins because of our eyes.

There are loads of different passages that can illustrate that but i would like to share one I was meditating today:

Jesus said to them, "If you were blind, you would have no sin; but now you say,'We see'. Therefore your sin remains.
John 9:41

The religious Pharisees were arguing with Jesus because He healed on the Sabbath and Jesus replied with the above when they asked if they were blind. 

Adam and Eve had no sin, until they disobeyed God and their eyes were opened.

How many members, assistants, pastors etc... we're very useful  in the work of God until one day their eyes were opened and they began to see. Now they are full of sins, because the eyes is the lamp of the body and throught it sin has entered them.

We have to learn not to look at anyone or anything except Jesus.

That is why I said in the title Be Blind.

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Monday 22 December 2014

Monday 8 December 2014

Hearing God's Voice

God said to Elijah arise go to Zarephath for a have commanded a widow there to provide for you.
When he arrived the widow was there but God had not spoken to her previously telling her anything, she did not see o hear God.
When Elijah spoke to her asking for the bread, she said As the Lord your God lives, I do not have bread.
Did God make a mistake?
No, but the widow saw it as Elijah asking her for bread not God.
If God had appeared to her in person maybe she would have believed much faster but Elijah was a normal man, when he said thus says the Lord  The bin of flour shall not be used up... She then went and did it and saw the results.
The same is happening with many people today, they look at the man and think this pastor is asking to much of me, God knows I cant do that etc...
If they would realise that is not the pastor but God they would act faster and the answer would be faster too.
After seen all God did through Elijah when her son was raised from the dead the widow said: "Now by this I know that you are a man of God, and that the word of the Lord in your mouth is truth." 1Kings 17:24
All those who believe the words that we are speaking, believe the words of God and when the results come they will say the same but first they have to hear and obey God's voice through the man of God.

May God bless you

Bishop Macedo's meeting
