Universal Online Radio

Monday 30 September 2013

Would you join this chain?

Dear Friends,

I would like to invite to subscribe to my blog at the side and to share this link with 3 friends of yours.
Has the messages of the 21 Days task been helping you? Leave your comments as well, do you have questions about the Holy Spirit? Send us through the comments so we can answer it may help others too, if you chose your name will not be published.
Lastly i want to Thank you all who have been following the blog see bellow how far we are reaching, lets us join the chain and spread the message.

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Wait for He will soon come.
Thanks and God bless you.
Pr Jonathan Pine

The Fast of Daniel Purpose – Day 9

 The Fast of Daniel Purpose – Day 9 

In the Lord’s Prayer, the Lord Jesus teaches us that we should ask the Father to deliver us from all evil. If evil didn’t exist, and its intentions were not to destroy us, the Lord wouldn’t have bothered to include this part in the model prayer. 

So, begin the day by rebuking all and every evil that is around, which is attacking or planning on an attack against your life. 
Health-wise, your mother was right: fruits and vegetables are better for you than a bag of potato chips. Eat healthy today. (Why not tomorrow and the day after that as well?) 

Be aware of someone who may be suffering quietly around you, hiding their pain behind a smile or make-up. Ask God for wisdom, the moment and the words to offer understanding and advice to this person. In order to avoid sending any wrong signals and avoid any misunderstanding on what kind of help you’re trying to offer, limit this contact to someone of the same sex. 

A budget is a layout of expenses based on your available income and a goal you want to reach. A personal budget, or a budget for your business, is a very useful tool in order to organize yourself for the future and reach financial objectives. Invest some time in creating yours; it will be of great use to you. If you can’t create one today, schedule two hours to sit and work on it yourself. This blog post will help you. 
Until tomorrow! 

Fast of Daniel 

Day 9 

Done √ 
Rebuke all evil which is working or planning something against you

Substitute fatty and fried foods with fruits and vegetables 

See if there is someone near you (a friend, colleague, family member) which looks depressed, stressed, and offer to hear them out.

Schedule an hour in your agenda to work on your monthly budget, this week.

Personal Growth 
Read, meditate and act upon what you read in this post (Click here to read the post)

Sunday 29 September 2013

Fast of Daniel Purpose – Day 8

 Fast of Daniel Purpose – Day 8 

Those who fail to plan, plan to fail. If you don’t have any goals, or a vision of what you want to achieve, and simply live day to day, you’re going just going to go around in circles. 

Your task for today as yesterday’s invites you to think of what you want to achieve this week. Write your goals down. At the beginning of the day present it to God in prayer, asking for His help and favor. You’ll see how different this week will be.

In the relationships category, almost all of us have someone who gets on our nerves; that person that makes you irk and wish there was a magical wand that you could wave and that person would disappear or turn into a… rabbit. 
Since that wand doesn’t exist, the best option is prayer. So, your task for today is to pray for the person to get struck by lightning good of that person. And as you pray, ask for patience, wisdom, self-control – and remember that someone else could be making the same prayer about you! 

Financially, we have all had good ideas that died inside of us before even being born. We use good excuses like: I have no time, I’m afraid that it won’t work out, there’s nobody to help etc. Great companies and great products are the result of an idea – as well as someone who wasn’t afraid or lazy to pursue it. So, that’s your task for today. 

Let’s move forward at full speed ahead in this second week of the purpose. 
Don’t give up! 

Fast of Daniel 

Day 8 

Done √ 
Present your plans for the week to God 


Walk more than usual. Ex. go up the stairs instead of using the elevator; get off at the bus stop before yours or park your car far away so that you have to walk the rest of the way 

Pray for a person who irritates you or provokes your bad side 

Uncover that idea which could possibly make you a lot of money. Act upon it

Personal Growth 
Start to act upon the 5 things you wrote on yesterday’s task 

Saturday 28 September 2013

Fast of Daniel Purpose - Day 7

 Fast of Daniel Purpose - Day 7 

When you have completed today’s tasks, you will have gone one third into this purpose. How has the experience been for you? 
Share your comments with us. 

Perhaps the more challenging task today will be in the area of relationships. It’s also one which can bring you surprising results. Think about someone you admire. What do you admire in that person? Why? 

Muster up some courage, pick up the phone, or go to that person and ask: How do you do it? What’s your secret to being so (fill in the quality here.)? Do you have any advice for those who want to be better? 

If it’s necessary you can even say that you’re doing a special purpose and that’s why you’re asking questions in order to complete your tasks. Be conscious of the time, so you don’t take up too much of the person’s and make sure you thank them for the attention. 

Besides the advice you get, this task will also help overcome any kind of shyness, and tighten your relationship with the person you spoke to, who knows it could even be the beginning of a worthwhile acquaintance in the future. So, do everything not to flee from this task. 

Until tomorrow. 

Fast of Daniel 

Day 7 

Done √ 
Go to church on Sunday and listen closely to what God has to say to you, also seek the Holy Spirit 

Drink at least 8 cups of water 

Find someone who’s excellent at a certain activity and ask them what’s the secret to their success 

Invest in the Kingdom of God giving an offering 

Personal Growth 
Write 5 things that you absolutely need to finish this week 

What an investiment

This week a lady who works as a financial adviser and has been attending the services recently approached me after hearing me talking about Isaac’s return when he sowed in the land.

She explained that one hundred fold is not just 100 times but  one hundred fold is 1,201,064,595,207,167,685,882,431,343,616 (one nonillion, two hundred-one octillion, sixty-four septillion, five hundred ninety-five sextillion, two hundred seven quintillion, one hundred sixty-seven quadrillion, six hundred eighty-five trillion, eight hundred eighty-two billion, four hundred thirty one million, three hundred forty-three thousand, six hundred-sixteen).

The formula is a bit hard to explain it would be like folding a paper one hundred times it would multiply it many times but the point is:

What God gives is beyond measure when we obey him that is why Isaac in the same year became very prosperous.
Then Isaac sowed in that land, and reaped in the same year a hundredfold; and the Lord blessed him. 13 The man began to prosper, and continued prospering until he became very prosperous; 14 for he had possessions of flocks and possessions of herds and a great number of servants.” Gen 26:12,14

We see the same when God promised to bless the tither’s He says : “If I will not open for you the windows of heaven.
And pour out for you such blessing
That there will not be room enough to receive it. Malachi 3:6  

If we were to mention Abraham and others that God promised to bless we see his promises are always beyond what we can measure but we must be willing to obey and sow in other to receive the fulfilment of the promise.

Thanks for your time.

Friday 27 September 2013

The Fast of Daniel Purpose - Day 6

 The Fast of Daniel Purpose – Day 6 

Through each task that you complete in this purpose, you’re growing and improving in at least five areas of your life. Soon, some of these tasks will develop into good habits and they will help you to be a successful person. 

Today, schedule to spend some time to S.O.S God, as if it’s going to be a meeting with Him. Find a private place, turn off your phone, and ask for people not to bother you. Have your Bible with you, and spend that time meditating on a passage, and talking to God. 

Your physical task today is to sweat! Find an activity that obligates your body to sweat after a couple of minutes. Go on the treadmill, jog in the park, move around the furniture that you had wanted to the longest, go up and down the stairs – whatever wets your shirt. Remember that if you don’t sweat it doesn’t count! 

About your finances, consider this: sometimes we buy things or spend money on superfluous things and/or things that we don’t need. The pressure from ads, the desire to be like friends, wanting to please your child with their heart’s desire… If you look closely at where your money is going, you will probably find ways you could economize hundreds of dollars. 

Lastly, identify activities which waste your time, and eliminate them from your life. When you have more time available, you will also grow more. 

Until tomorrow! 

Fast of Daniel 

Day 6 

Done √ 
Have a meeting with God: spend 10 to 30 minutes meditating on the word of God, without distractions, and talk to Him. 

Do any physical activities which will make you sweat! If you don’t sweat, it doesn’t count! 

Spend time with a family member and do what he/she likes. 

Identify where and how your money could possibly be slipping through your fingers. Cut these costs.

Personal Growth 
Identify something that wastes your time and remove it from your day to day life. 

Fast of Daniel Purpose - Day 5

 Fast of Daniel Purpose - Day 5 

Congratulations to those who are still in this purpose. You are perseverant and will be rewarded. 

Today we are going to use our head a great deal. Think, meditate, consider, plan, and then take actions. 

There are people who are toxic to us. They don’t add anything, they just fill us with doubts and confusion, and they don’t want our good as they say. Just like the Lord Jesus advised his disciples to steer clear from the yeast of the Pharisees, in today’s task identify that type of person in your life, and cut off connections to them. Trust me, you won’t be lose out on anything. 

Financially, you’re going to use the power of your imagination (a ramification of the power of faith.) Imagine with details how you want your professional life to be, your business, what you conquer, your finances, and your generosity towards others, 12 months from now. Have a fixed image in your mind. Travel there in spirit. See everything materialized through the eyes of faith. And don’t forget what you saw. 

Speaking different languages is like a passport to new opportunities. But, if different languages are not your thing, learn to communicate better in your language; this will also open a lot of doors. Consider this investment. 

Finally, after burning so many neurons, your last task is to sleep at least 7 hours. Who would have thought that sleep had to become a task now-a-days… Yeah, there’s a lot to do, but we can’t forget to regain our strength. 

Until tomorrow! 

Fast of Daniel 

Day 5 

Done √ 
Read the message of the day from 

Re-arrange your schedule so you can sleep at least 7 hours: the rest you so need 

Identify any friendships that are bad or contacts which are a bad influence, and cut off connections to them 

Take 5-10 minutes to think about where you want to be a year from now financially 

Personal Growth 
Consider how many opportunities would open up if you learn another language or even if you improve your English; decide what you’ll do about this 

Wednesday 25 September 2013

Something More

Something More
Why did the rich young man become sorrowful when Jesus suggested that he sell what he had and give it to the poor, and then follow Him?
He was an excellent religious person, since he obeyed most of the commandments of the Law of God.
But he was aware that something else lacked in his life.
This something else, was really SOMETHING SOOOO MUCH MORE...
That, unfortunately, was not meant for him.
His possessions already occupied the throne of his heart, so there was no room for anyone else.
Because of this, he lacked SOMETHING MORE.
It’s useless not to kill;
It’s useless not to commit adultery;
It’s useless not to steal;
It’s useless not to bear false witness;
It’s useless not to honor your father and mother;
It’s useless not to love your neighbor,
It’s useless to be good in Church and in the world if the Almighty does not occupy the highest place in your life.
It’s useless for a "Christian" to obey most Christian doctrines and DENY THE LORD JESUS CHRIST FROM OCCUPYING THE THRONE OF HIS HEART.
You shall love the Lord your God with all thy heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind... Luke 10.27
How can anyone want the Best of God – His Spirit – when they are not giving Him their best?
But, don’t forget: For thus says the High and Lofty One who inhabits eternity, whose name is Holy: “I dwell in the high and holy place, with him who has a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones”. Isaiah 57.15
source: www.bishopmacedo.com