Mar 2013
One of the greatest revelations that God has brought to His Church in these past few days is the importance of taking on a living, practical and bold faith. A kind of faith and belief that spares no effort or sacrifice to achieve the promises of God, especially the greatest of all the promises: the baptism with the Holy Spirit.
When we look at Jacob and Esau, we can understand the kind of attitude that catches God’s eyes. Jacob not only DESIRED to INHERIT the birthright. He WANTED to CONQUER it, and so he fought all his life to achieve what for him was of greater worth, because it represented the promise of God. From the womb of his mother, Jacob already fought for something that rightfully belonged to his brother Esau
Esau, however, was unable to fully appreciate the privilege that he had “inherited”. As he came back from hunting feeling very hungry, he exchanged his greatest asset for plate of lentils. I’m sure deep down he must have thought, “That is my right, he cannot take it from me.” But that does not change the fact that he did not give due value to what to the most precious thing he had.
He despised his birthright, the right to continue the lineage of the patriarchs. Therefore, the God of Abraham and Isaac could never be known as the God of Esau!
As for Jacob, even though he used unconventional methods to achieve the birthright, he showed through his actions how much it meant to him. He earned a right that he did not have, and God changed his name to Israel.
So who are the ones who receive the greatest and most wonderful of God’s promises? They are those who recognize that the Holy Spirit is invaluable, and that to achieve it is worth any effort. They are those who are willing to sacrifice their desires and surrender themselves to be filled with God. In short, are those who are do not feel sad, do not hide and not look back when they hear about sacrifice.
God bless
Bp Celso Junior
Taken from www.bpcelsojunior.com