Universal Online Radio

Monday 21 July 2014

40 Thoughts — Conclusion

Renato Cardoso's Blog

Link to Renato Cardoso´s Blog

Posted: 20 Jul 2014 10:07 AM PDT

Part of the series “40 Thoughts of Jesus.” View all previous here, but first learn how the purpose works here.

King David said:

How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God! How great is the sum of them! If I should count them, they would be more in number than the sand. Psalm 139.17,18

This is exactly how I feel when I consider the Thoughts of Jesus. Like the finest gold, the most precious gem… they expand my mind, take me to places, make me like a giant; and when I think I only know some among the infinite amount of them, more numerous than the grains of sand…

Yes, you only knew 40 Thoughts of Jesus here. Imagine yourself scooping up a handful of sand, setting aside 40 grains and throwing away the rest. Imagine these 40 grains of sand in your hand. Now, imagine all the grains of sand in all the beaches of the planet. The Thoughts of Jesus exceed this number. The wisdom of God, His advice for our life, and His mysteries and revelations are countless; one of them alone is capable of changing your life. A divine inspiration, an idea, can bring you insurmountable riches and success. They are up for grabs, waiting to be discovered by anyone who would like to know them.

Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened. Matthew 7.7,8

Consider what you have learned during these 40 days just an appetizer, a small sample for you to taste. He has a whole banquet prepared for you.

When we started this challenge, I said you would find, “…secrets hidden between the lines of the Gospels. Pearls waiting to be discovered. New revelations from ancient scriptures that have long been memorized. It will be a revolutionary experience. But I must warn you: your mind will never be the same again!” I believe that the goal has been reached. Now, why stop here?

I suggest that from the conclusion of these 40 days, you should apply one or all of the following steps:

1.     Select two or three Thoughts that had a stronger impact on you. Read them every day and strive to apply them in your life until they become an integral part of you. Be persistent.

2.     Review the 40 Thoughts. If you could not properly digest what you read, go back to the beginning and read them all over again [find all of them here]. Your learning will be strengthened and better assimilated.

3.     Start to read the Gospels regularly. You may purchase a Bible with the Words of Jesus in red (see if you like either this or this one, for example). This way, it will be easier to know when Jesus is the One who is speaking. This is the kind of Bible I used during these 40 days to help me find the Thoughts.

4.     Evidently, continue visiting this blog. Whether you have been with us for a long time or just found out about this blog through this challenge, access it daily. Here, I am sharing with you over one thousand posts about faith, spiritual intelligence, relationship, men, parents and children, money, and other inspirations. Besides being free, you will become more attractive and appealing, your teeth will get whiter and people will like you more… like my mother, for example.

5.     Connect with us. Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, iTunes… everything here. Like it and follow it. Thank you.

I want to thank all who have followed this challenge faithfully. Keep sharing it with your friends. And if you remain a faithful reader of this blog, when the 40 Thoughts of Jesus become a book, you will be the first one to know.

May His Thoughts be with you, always!


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