Universal Online Radio

Saturday, 28 September 2013

Fast of Daniel Purpose - Day 7

 Fast of Daniel Purpose - Day 7 

When you have completed today’s tasks, you will have gone one third into this purpose. How has the experience been for you? 
Share your comments with us. 

Perhaps the more challenging task today will be in the area of relationships. It’s also one which can bring you surprising results. Think about someone you admire. What do you admire in that person? Why? 

Muster up some courage, pick up the phone, or go to that person and ask: How do you do it? What’s your secret to being so (fill in the quality here.)? Do you have any advice for those who want to be better? 

If it’s necessary you can even say that you’re doing a special purpose and that’s why you’re asking questions in order to complete your tasks. Be conscious of the time, so you don’t take up too much of the person’s and make sure you thank them for the attention. 

Besides the advice you get, this task will also help overcome any kind of shyness, and tighten your relationship with the person you spoke to, who knows it could even be the beginning of a worthwhile acquaintance in the future. So, do everything not to flee from this task. 

Until tomorrow. 

Fast of Daniel 

Day 7 

Done √ 
Go to church on Sunday and listen closely to what God has to say to you, also seek the Holy Spirit 

Drink at least 8 cups of water 

Find someone who’s excellent at a certain activity and ask them what’s the secret to their success 

Invest in the Kingdom of God giving an offering 

Personal Growth 
Write 5 things that you absolutely need to finish this week 

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