Universal Online Radio

Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Who are you imitating?

Have you noticed how most people are either imitating someone or being imitated by someone?

Observe your colleagues at work and notice, if the boss is angry and unhappy some of them will act just like the boss, but if the boss is happy and peaceful they will act in the same way.

The same happen with children who learn to curse, smoke and act in the same way they see others doing. 

Look at the responsibility that we have as a role model. 

For those who are in a position of authority ex: Pastors, assistants, managers, leaders, etc... those around you whether you want it or not, they will act just like you, sometimes even talk like you.

The question is: "Are you worthy in every respect of being imitated? Are all your habits such that you would be glad to see them in your subordinates?'

Paul said: "Imitate me, just as I also imitate Christ". 1 Corinthians 11.1
Also " Therefore be imitators of God as dear children." Ephesians 5:1

Who are you imitating or are you giving such a good example to be able to say to others imitate me?

Meditate on this. 
God Bless you.

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