Universal Online Radio

Thursday 17 July 2014

Thought #38 — Healthy body, healthy mind, lifeless life

Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. Matthew 4.4

Lose weight now! A diet to lose 3Kg in 5 days! A fast way to gain muscle mass! Coffee prevents cancer! Have the body of a model in three weeks! Anti-aging cream, you will look 10 years younger! The lemon diet – purify your body! Coffee causes cancer!
No, I am not making stuff up nor exaggerating. All these things have been, or still are, broadcast and advertised around us all the time. It sells, because people, in general, are extremely concerned about their body and appearance. It is not wrong to dress well, eat well and take good care of the health. The problem is that people overrate the body but forget that we’re a trinity: body, soul and spirit.
This Thought of Jesus teaches us that we do not live by food and drink alone. A person may have a perfectly healthy, ripped body, and still not have life. What gives you life is not food and physical exercise alone, but mainly the words that come from the mouth of God.
Take as an example the effect that these 40 days have had on you. If you have been following this challenge as suggested, and not only reading the Thoughts of Jesus in a rush, you have certainly received life, direction and energy. And, why have you been feeling like this? Why is it that many of those who have been absorbing these Thoughts will never be the same again? Because the Thoughts of Jesus are nothing but the Words of God; if you feed on them, you will have life.
You may also be very cultured, educated at the best universities, someone who loves to read, very talented, etc. — and still not have life. True life comes from the Words of God. Jesus said that in a different way, “The words that I have spoken to you are spirit and are life.” (John 6.63)
Be truly intelligent. Listen to what He says.
Application: Take good care of your body and invest in your education — but firstly, and above all else, seek to discover and follow what God says.
Among these three things: taking care of your appearance, acquiring information from various sources, and listening to the Word of God — which one have you been paying more attention to? Are you someone with a perfect health, extensive knowledge, but still unhappy? Why do you think that people are so eager for news and all kinds of information but so reluctant, careless and lazy to listen to the Word of God? What are the effects that these 40 days have had on you? Answer at least one question in your comment.

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