Universal Online Radio

Saturday 12 July 2014

Thought #33 Sissifying The Lord of Host

What you do, do quickly! John 13.27

Traditionally, religions always painted the image of Jesus as a meek, sweet, submissive and gentle character. A quick glance into the religious works of art will show you that: Jesus with an angelical face, manicured Jesus, Jesus with a flat ironed hairstyle,Flamboyant Jesus, Jesus with a little lamb on His shoulder… always a harmless figure; a sweetheart.

If the strategy was to turn His followers into that image, it worked. Notice the difference between the first followers of Jesus and today’s ones.

The first Christians saw Jesus in flesh and blood. The ones who did not see Jesus, knew Him through the apostles, who had actually been with Him. That is why they were fearless, committed, audacious… revolutionary men, who were not intimidated by the fierce persecutions. They were just like their Master. However, how were, and today still are, the Christians who were born after the Roman Church, which became a religious institution and turned faith into a tradition? Just like that sissified image of Jesus, created by the religious artists. “Those who make them are just like them, as are all who trust in them.” (Psalm 115.8)

Why this strategy? It’s very simple: passive people do not trouble anybody. The people who control the power are interested in this. It is much easier to control people who do not react to anything. Religion has always been an effective weapon in their hands.

Through the Thought above, we can see, like a ray of light through a crack in the ceiling, a little bit of Jesus’ impetuosity while speaking to Judas, the traitor, who was already possessed by Satan, “Bring it on! Let’s finish this quickly.” Previously, when He received a threat from king Herod, Jesus replied accordingly, “Go tell that fox that I am telling him this…” (Luke 13.32)

If you receive the Spirit of the real Jesus, you will also have the courage, the fearlessness and the audacity to confront every threat that comes your way. Yes, there is a time to be sweet and kind, but when your problems attack, it is not the time for that.

Application: Be impetuous and brave when the moment of the fight comes. Crying, being passive and feeling sorry for yourself, will not help at all.

Have you noticed the sissified ‘Jesuses’ around us? What about the wishy-washy Christians that are strong in knowledge but weak in faith? In what way would you have to adjust your image of Jesus so that it will influence your behavior? Leave your comment.

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